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Reusable steps

Gookme provides you with step-sharing features, allowing you to declare shared step example, and to use them in your steps.

Given a project directory such as this:

Project structure
|--- hooks
    |--- shared
        |--- flake8.json
|--- packages
    |--- some-package
        |--- hooks
            |--- pre-commit.json


The hooks/shared folder is automatically generated with a .gitkeep file by gookme init.

You can declare a step in hooks/shared/flake8.json ...

  "name": "Ensure Style (flake8)",
  "command": "flake8 $(python-module) --ignore E203,W503 --max-line-length 90",
  "onlyOn": "**/*.py"

... and then re-use it in some-package/hooks/pre-commit.json with the from keyword:

  "steps": [
      "from": "flake8"
    ... // some other steps

Writing and using utils scripts

It is possible to declare some scripts in the project root Gookme hooks folder, and then use them directly in the commands invoked by the steps.

Given a project directory such as this:

Project structure
|--- .mookme.json
|--- hooks
    |--- partials
        |--- pylint-changed-files
 |--- packages
    |--- some-package
        |--- .hooks
            |--- pre-commit.json

Here is how the python-changed-files script looks like

#!/usr/bin/env bash
git --no-pager diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM --relative -- "***.py" | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 "$@"


The hooks/partials is automatically generated with a .gitkeep file by gookme init.

One can declare a script in flake8 (don't forget to chmod+x) and then re-use it in some-package/hooks/pre-commit.json by directly invoking the script's name:

  "steps": [
      "name": "Run pylint but only on changed files",
      "command": "python-changed-files pylint"
    ... // some other steps

Use a range of commits

Using the Gookme CLI, it is possible to invoke a set of hooks and steps selected using the files changed between two git references.

gookme run -t pre-commit --from HEAD~1 --to f9ff43
gookme run -t pre-commit --from HEAD~25 --to d58688dd611ef01079f61ebae36df0ce8c380ddb

You can find more details about these options on the gookme run reference page.